Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

On 11.36 by Presiden Pers in    1 comment

Want to know to know how to add Google Ad's to your site? Here are two options:
You can place AdSense on your page by using the Google AdSense Widget:
1. Open the Ecommerce folder and drag and drop the Google AdSense Widget onto your page.
2. A dialog box will open, click on the link in the dialog box to sign up for an AdSense account if you don't already have one.
3. Once you've registered your account and customized your ad, copy the advertising code provided by Google.
4. Paste the code back in the dialog box on your Yola site and click "Save".
You can also add Google AdSense using the Widgetbox Gallery Widget:
1. Open the "Widget Collections" folder on the Sidebar to the right of your screen.
2. Drag and drop a Widgetbox Gallery Widget onto your page.
3. A dialog box will open, click on the Google category.
4. Click on the Google AdSense Widget and edit the settings by adding your account information.
4. Click on the green "Get Widget" button and it will be saved and added to your page.
5. Save and preview your page to view the widget.
Please note: you might not see the ad immediately, it can take a short while for it to be initialized by Google. Wait few a minutes, and click "refresh" and the ads will display.  Your site needs to be published before Google can initialize the ads.  If you have not already done so, please publish your site before trying to place Google Ads.

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