Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

On 07.59 by Presiden Pers in , ,    No comments

In the old days, twenty years ago, hackers didn't have the same variety of tools for network hacking. With the appearance of the Internet, network hacking tools are now widespread phenomena. And anyone who wishes to become a hacker, he/she may do so. They only need a computer, an internet account, some knowledge on using search engines and they can start to hack; password windows, for example, will become an easy exercise for him.
What Are The Different Types Of Servers That Hackers Prefer?

The most preferred kind of server is those related to government agencies and big companies. Have you ever wondered how many attacks does a company like Microsoft receive each day? Although there are millions of computer users around the world who don't maintain adequate security of their computers, most hackers ignore them because they are too easy to access. If they want to increase their reputation and their skills, they know that the bigger fish offer a bigger challenge.

How Does The Hacker Gain Entry To The Server?

It doesn't matter if it is computer security or the security of a building. If someone wants to trespass it, he will look for the weakest points in the system. If you want to penetrate a building, you need to make some surveillance first. Learn the movements of the guards, find out what kind of equipment are they using and maybe make some small test to check how good the security is.

The same thing happens with a hacker that wants to get into a determined network. He will need to make some surveillance first, looking for the weak spots. For doing this, there are a series of tools that a hacker can use, like network password hacking programs that have been developed by password hackers. But the most common tool is the port scanner.

Imagine your network as a bus terminal, where you have buses that come and go in determined periods of time. The same thing passes inside a network, where information comes and goes depending on the requirements of the users. With a port scanner, a hacker can look for those entrances in the terminal that don't have adequate security. Once he has assured that it is vulnerable enough, he will use it for getting inside. This is also known as remote hacking.


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